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For years, I’ve been searching for the right partnership to bring not just our meats but complete meals to your table. We’ve been fortunate to have the best customers on the planet (not kidding, y’all have become like family) but what I began to notice is that we were missing an entire demographic of people […]

Farm Store

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It’s been a bit of a wait but we’re restocking our dry aged beef again this weekend! To celebrate I’m sharing some of my favorite beef recipes, all featuring back-in-stock cuts available in the ranch store! Beef-and-Vegetable Potpie with Cheddar Biscuits from Food&Wine Give your usual ground beef meals an upgrade with this hearty and […]

Beef, Recipe

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INGREDIENTS Lamb Cream cheese Filling Jalapeños Toppings: (optional) DIRECTIONS Start by making the lamb mixture. Preheat a heavy skillet over medium-high heat and add the oil. Start cooking the onions until they’re soft. Season the lamb with all the spice blend above and add it with the onions and cook over medium-high heat. Cook for […]

Lamb, Recipe

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I might be biased but it’s hard to beat our grass-fed lamb – it’s deliciously mild with a melt in your mouth texture that’s spoiled me for all other lamb. We can barely keep it in stock so whenever it’s back I get excited, for our customers and us too! Since lamb is back in […]

Lamb, Recipe

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When you hear the words “certified organic” what comes to your mind? I think for many folks they picture hand picked produce and livestock grazing acres of green rolling pastures. They picture ecological synergy and conservation. Unfortunately, this is a romanticized version of what it means to be certified organic and for many small farms […]

Farm Store, Livestock

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I promise you (this time) that the answer to this question is truly not that deep, though the story of how we ended up with goats is kind of funny. Ryan (my husband, for the new folks) swore to me that we would never get goats. He found them to be just plain annoying and […]

Homesteading, Livestock

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This is one of the biggest misconceptions out there about organic foods. The reality is that while most synthetic sprays are prohibited from use on a certified organic operation, it doesn’t mean that certain pesticides and fertilizers are. Let’s get into it. Let’s touch on this first though: Organic does not mean no spray. It […]


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I’ll say it right out of the gate, this is a hot button topic. Time and time again, across social media, blogs, news sites, you name it, I’ve seen it covered from all different angles though there’s usually one common denominator. So many of these sources use exaggerative language or headlines that are meant to […]


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This post has been rattling around in my head for quite some time now. It’s no secret or surprise that when it comes to shopping for meat I am always in favor of supporting local ranchers at the source but I know that doing so does come at a premium compared to just stopping by […]

Farm Store

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It never ceases to amaze me how our dairy cows are able to break down plant material in the form of grasses and other forages into rich, delicious milk that feeds their calves, us, our customers, bottle lambs, the list goes on. It’s all thanks to the anatomy of their digestive system which is unique […]

Livestock, Livestock Husbandry