Shipping Changes for 2024:

We did our best to stick it out but due to UPS consistently having delays on our 2 day air shipping, we have to move to next day air, significantly raising our costs. We are holding strong to our ground zone, Washington and parts of Oregon but rate increases on all other shipping will begin immediately. We will also be removing our shipping discount for our Farm Club members outside of Washington. We know this comes at a disappointment but after doing the math, our shipped meats become a wash when shipped at the current pricing.

Shipping perishables is not cheap and the ranch already absorbs 5% of the shipping cost of each box. In the past 2 months though, we have seen continuous failure by UPS to get our 2 day air products to their rightful doorsteps in time. This loss has resulted in a shortage of inventory & frustration over the senseless mistakes. Our choice to go to next day air was born out of necessity to ensure it arrives frozen and timely & that our hard work is not in vain.

UPS also does not guarantee their shipping. In fact, they don’t insure perishables at all. All of our packages are insured with a 3rd party, but that insurance doesn’t cover the cost of shipping, just the products. Spending $65 for shipping and losing the products, in transit or due to thawing, means that farm is still out $65 on that box, insured or not. This kind of loss is not sustainable and has been happening frequently this summer.

We have struggled with this announcement for weeks, knowing it will come with a loss of customers. I once heard a quote that said, “In order for a business to be sustainable, it must be profitable.” It resonated with me, knowing that eventually, as costs went up, our prices would have to follow in order to continue to serve the community we do.

New Rates are as follows:

WA & OR will see no changes. We can still offer free shipping on all orders of $199 and over.

California: $55

MST: $45

CST: $75

EST: $85

All shipped boxes will also be required to be insured. While we offer it as an option at the moment, we will no longer be shipping without it as our losses this year have been too high.

If you are struggling with these cost increases, please reach out. We have a few farms on the East Coast that we would love to recommend to you.


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